分享关于父亲节的英文知识 父亲节的由来英文版范文

分享关于父亲节的英文知识 父亲节的由来英文版范文

Father's Day
父亲节(Father's Day),顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日 。Father's day, as the name suggests, is a day of thanksgiving for fathers.
【分享关于父亲节的英文知识 父亲节的由来英文版范文】
分享关于父亲节的英文知识 父亲节的由来英文版范文

Father's Day
约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异 。最广泛的日期在每年6月的第三个星期日,世界上有52个国家和地区是在这一天过父亲节 。节日里有各种的庆祝方式,大部分都与赠送礼物、家族聚餐或活动有关 。
It began in the early 20th century, originated in the United States, and has been widely spread all over the world.The most extensive date is on the third Sunday of June every year, which is celebrated in 52 countries and regions in the world. There are various ways to celebrate the festival, most of which are related to gift giving, family dinner or activities.
在父亲节这天,人们选择特定的鲜花来表达对父亲的敬意和思念,人们采纳了多德夫人的建议,佩戴红玫瑰向健在的父亲表示爱戴,佩戴白玫瑰则表达对亡父的悼念,这种习俗一直流传至今,起初父亲节的日期各不相同,且有的地方用蒲公英作为父亲节的象征,有的地方则用衬有一片绿叶的白丁香向父亲表示敬意 。
On father's day, people choose specific flowers to express their respect and yearning for their father. People take Mrs. Dodd's advice to wear red roses to show their love to their father who is still alive, while wearing white roses to express their mourning for their dead father. This custom has been handed down to this day. At the beginning of father's day, the dates are different, and some places use dandelion as a symbol of father's day, In some places, white cloves lined with green leaves are used to pay homage to my father.
与国外人们庆祝父亲节的方式不同,我国人们庆祝父亲节的形式多种多样 。人们用不同的方式表达着对父亲的感激之情 。做拿手菜、旅游、送礼物;用照片表达父女感情;拍摄和父亲小视频等等 。
Different from the way people celebrate father's day in foreign countries, there are many ways to celebrate father's day in China. People express their gratitude to their father in different ways. Make specialty dishes, travel, give gifts; Using photos to express father daughter feelings; Take a little video with my father and so on.
分享关于父亲节的英文知识 父亲节的由来英文版范文

Father's Day
干爹:sugar daddy
父亲般的人物:a figure father
父爱:father's love
Father's love in the curved ridge, together with a tough and indomitable.
父爱在弯弯脊梁里,一道一道坚韧不屈 。
Father's love is supreme, great glory.
父爱至上,伟大光荣 。
Father is a mountain, tough ridge, upright fragrance of the earth.
父亲是座山,坚韧起脊梁,挺拔大地的芬芳 。
Father's love is like the moon, lighting the way forward for us at night.
父爱如月,在夜里为我们点亮前进的道路 。
Father begets me, mother bows me, caresses me, livestock me, grows me, raises me, cares for me, restores me.
父兮生我,母兮鞠我,抚我,畜我,长我,育我,顾我,复我 。
The person who cares about me is you, the one who misses me is you, the one who is filial to you is me, and the one who is grateful to you is me.
牵挂我的人是您,思念我的人是您,孝顺您的人是我,感恩您的人是我 。
Make a happy land, spare no effort.
造一片乐土,不辞辛劳 。
