水濑用英语怎么说 水獭用英语组词区别读音和意思

水濑用英语怎么说 水獭用英语组词区别读音和意思

Otter 释义:奥特;水獺;海獭;水濑;水獭
音标:英 [??t?(r)] 美 [?ɑ?t?r]
bank beaver 释义:海狸;水獭
音标:英 [b??k ?bi?v?(r)] 美 [b??k ?bi?v?r]
1、The otter has webbed feet and spends much of its time swimming.
水獭的脚上长有蹼,许多时间都在水中浮游 。
2、The otter, as knowing all the paths, took charge of the party.
水獭熟悉路径,担任了向导 。
3、Large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur.
北太平洋海岸的大型海生水獭,有非常浓密的深褐色皮毛 。
4、It's nearly time for lunch,'he said.'Stay and have some with us, Otter.
都快接近午饭时间了,“他说,”留在这里和我们吃些东西,水獭 。
5、An otter called Xin Xing meaning the new star became the number one on her hit list.
一只名叫新星的水獭成了她名单上的首位受益者 。
6、Of course if you were Badger or Otter, it would be quite another matter.
他们说的其中每一,“问某一水獭动物” 。
7、You found love with an otter?
【水濑用英语怎么说 水獭用英语组词区别读音和意思】你发现自己爱上一只水獭?
8、I was able to save my inner otter.
我拯救了我内心的水獭 。
9、One and a half meters long, this otter had to be worth a good high price.
这水獭有一米半长,价值一定非常大 。
10、Its body is about the size of that of an otter.
它的躯体和水獭差不多一般大 。
11、Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal.
捕猎水獭1977年以后就被列为非法了 。
